Sunday, 1 February 2009

Sunday Ride 1st Feb 2009

A good turn out of 11 people on Sunday considering it was around 1 degrees and the forecast promises heavy snow this afternoon/evenings. 11 riders turned up, some old faces, some ones that had not been around for ages and some totally new riders. Gilles led the ride with Richard sweeping up the back of the group.

Trails were reasonably firm as it was cold so the mud was a little more frozen. From the 11 people at the start we dropped a few after the Peaslake tea stop with just 6 of us left, the others having split off and headed back to the shop. We rode from Westcott up rookery to the Summer lightning DH trail where some entertaining approaches to the jumps were observed! Then over Leith Hill Tower - and down to watch Gilles and Sam ride sticky fingers then over to Peaslake for tea and cheese straws or cakes depending on the need for sustenance!

We headed up Pitch Hill via the church to get warm quick on a steep incline and over the jumps and into Proper Beau where Gilles and Sam were persuaded to pose for the camera in the above video while Ian fixed Jo's flat tyre. Then we made a speedy return through some very light snow flurries back to Nirvana Cycles for tea and more cake with Simon.

I'm still learning everyone's names but here are those I remember: - Gilles, Sam, Richard, Ian, Jo, Claire, Bettina, Simon, Duncan, and 2 names I don't know yet- sorry guys but I have a terrible memory for names!

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