Thursday, 25 June 2009

We're Moving!

... But not far!

As many of you who have been in the shop recently have noticed we have acquired the shop 2 doors down and will be moving into a bigger space in June!

Yes after 14 years in No.3 we have finally outgrown her and it's getting a bit of a squeeze fitting all these luscious bikes and bits in here as well as hosting all you regular customers in the workshop!

We're very excited about the new shop as it has 3 separate display areas and room for a big workshop for Rowan to spread out in as well as office space for Jackie to keep the new stock arrivals coming. (Simon's office will remain outside on the trails of course!)

Work is underway to convert it to display a wider range of bikes, clothing and accesories as well as provide enough room for you guys to wander around (I know actually move around the shop!) as well as somewhere to chill out and grab that post-ride cuppa with us. So watch this space as we post a few pics of progress and let you know when we're moving.

Here's a slideshow of some pics of how it looks now and progress so far but there's a way to go!

And don't worry we're not going all "glossy" - we'll be keeping our trade mark "rugged and ready for dirty mountain bikers" look, after all we don't want you to be too scared to come in aftera ride- (but maybe we'll add a touch of lustre!)

Watch this space!

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