Wednesday 18 March 2009

Old Blokes Ride Wed 18th March

The sun is shining on Surrey so there was a great turnout on Wednesday to ride some dry dry trails.

We headed up to Sweet sweet bulbs for some trail maintenance and after testing out the good work done by all there we rode via Heads Roll on up to Leith Tower, over to the quarry jumps for a few sessions and then back on Worth the Mither into Windy Willows finishing down the Rookery which has a new tarmac top to it recently.

John quiet as ever provides some good commentary as to everyone's skills or attitude - check the video footage.

The trails out there are so so dry- ride 'em while it lasts (oh long may it last p-lease!). A great chance to make use of those technical skills acquired all winter without fear of slipping in mud pools or slick roots for a change.

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