Thursday 26 March 2009

Wednesday ride

We had a big crowd for Wednesday's ride despite the fact clouds were gathering and rain threatening- but there is some fear that the trails won't be dry for much longer.

Heading up to Sweet sweet bulbs for some trail maintenance we shot a couple of jump videos- Nick showing us how we should be styling it up over the jumps. Then over to Heads Roll where inspiration spread and Gilles was in form and loving his highs before a kick up off the new jump which led to a bad front wheel landing and an over the bars landing on his bad knee- and his ride was done. Pleasure and pain Gilles- hope you recovered well.

Next up the agony climb from the Plough to the cricket green, across Bop til you Drop and over the tower down to Donnie Darko where Nat was doing dog squashing sessions. A few drops were hit then we were pedalling again and  weaving through Worth the Myther, losing Nick who wacked his shoulder on a tree. It looked like the rain was on its way and we rode back via a speedy speedy Summer Lightning and into the shop for tea just in time for the rain to chuck it down.

Riders: Simon, Nick, Jo, Claire, Gilles, Chris, Gary, Gavin, John, Chris,

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