Sunday 22 March 2009

Sunday Group Ride

Weather was still holding out today but when the wind blew it was arctic, forecast is a return to wintry conditions next week so we rode lots of dry trails from Ranmore to Newlands and around to make the most of it.

Watch the video of us riding Abba Zabba- I missed Steve's crash and breakage of trees. Fortunately he was bruised but not broken.

The rest of the ride we just rode and rode at a mellow but costant pace- some beautiful views over St. Martha's Hill where many mothers were being treated to Mothers day picnics. 

Nick decided to scare some young ladies by riding through the fords and getting wet as is his habit, the rest of us keeping dry crossing the bridge instead. We carried on until Simon hit the wall after lunching in Shere on chocolate and had to pootle home on zero energy- we rode on a little via Peaslake led by Gilles and then we did the usual ride like mad back to the shop, beating Simon back.

Riders: - Simon, Gilles, Nick, Matt, Dave, John, Steve, Michael, Claire.

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