Wednesday 6 May 2009

F&M Acrobats

Great ride today in the best sunshine to date (have I said that before?)- but honestly today was a lovely day!

We shot up to Countdown to Ecstasy that has really taken shape thanks to Jonathan's hard work and vision on Friday, we added a post jump trail clear up too. Then we took Sweet sweet bulbs which has bedded in so well and is really flowing now. Up to F&M and the tough bits at the start were so dry everyone made those without issue but on the Singletrack exit John decided to play up to the camera and try some acrobatics- watch the video.

Then we flew over heads roll which was really running well and from Coldharbour down the Summer Lighhtning DH and then up to and down Lust for Life and up to Leith Tower in hope of cake. Starvation changed to frustration that after last week's promise the tower kiosk was not open and no cake and tea were on hand to resuscitate us.

Energy bars and water were a poor substitute before we headed on to ride the winding challenge of Worth the Mither and a great run down Windy Willows that is enjoying the dry conditions and really flowing well right now- I love that trail!

The finishing flourish down Bossanova (Skids is for ids John) and then GSW to Rookery are as always a grin factor at the end of the ride.

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